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A Brief Reflection on Masculinity Over Morning Coffee

Pots of coffee brewing over a campfire.

My grandfather liked Louis L’Amour novels and John Wayne movies. He had a romantic image of the American frontier, and I remember him having a specific fixation on strong cowboy camp coffee. He was certain that these men boiled their coffee into a black tar that they then drank, and would conjure this image almost every time he was served a cup of coffee he deemed too weak.

Privilege, Power, and The Self-Made Man

Sports have always provided a window into society at-large. What does the reaction to athletes with bionic or biochemical differences tell us about existing privilege and power? What should we expect for the future?


I’m here to ask you a question: Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow?

Good Cyberpunk

Previously on snowcrash dot fun, I outlined something obvious: a good cyberpunk video game is one that is an example of both a good video game and a good work of cyberpunk fiction. Time to follow up.